A Bird Friendly Garden
Spring is in the air and our garden is full of life after the cold winter. Our bird table and feeders have attracted many species of garden birds, happy to feast on the seeds we put out daily. We regularly see wood-pigeons, collared doves, house sparrows, blue tits starlings, magpies and robins, many of which are busy building nests, laying eggs and raising their young.
Bird feeders are one of the best way to encourage birds and many other animals into your garden but birds also love bird baths and will often come down for a drink and to wash and preen their feathers.
Another great way to help garden birds is to grow natural, native plants to encourage insect such as bees and butterflies into your garden. Birds will eat almost any insect that they can swallow and a wide range of insects will provide a more natural source of food.
Never use chemical pesticides such as weed or slug killer in your garden as if any garden birds eat an insect or slug that has been sprayed with, or eaten, pesticides then the bird will also be harmed by the chemicals.
By adding these features to your garden you will be helping to stabilize bird populations and providing a habitat where animals in your garden ecosystem can flourish.