Our Pigeons
This week, as the weather has got colder, I have been putting out extra food for the birds that live in our garden. There are now many different birds visiting our bird table including robins, blue-tits, great-tits, sparrows and my favorite bird of all... pigeons.
We have two resident wood pigeons that love to sit together in our tree, splash around in our bird-bath and eat! Pigeons are my favourite bird because they are fat, fluffy and friendly. They mate for life but often fly in flocks of 20 - 30. In Catalonia Square, Barcelona, flocks of pigeons come every day to be fed by locals and passing tourists.
Pigeons usually lay two eggs at a time and both the male and female take turns to incubate the eggs, once hatched the chicks eat ''pigeon milk'' a secretion from the throat that the parents sick up to feed their young.
Pigeons are extremely intelligent and are one of a small group of animals able to pass the ''mirror test'' - a test of self recognition. Pigeons also have an amazing sense of direction, a study at Oxford university showed they have an internal compass and can use the sun and landmarks to navigate. Pigeons have been observed following the route of busy roads and even turning at junctions to find their way home!
I'm not sure how intelligent my pigeons are but they are entertaining to watch as they waddle around the feeders!