Orange Sun!
Wow, the sun was amazing this morning. When I walked through the woods to my piano lesson the atmosphere was really strange. It felt like there was going to be a thunder storm as it was unusually warm for October but the sky was not dark grey as you might expect, just a little misty and with a hint of orange colour. The sun itself was visible through the haze and was bright orange and red.
I looked up on the internet why the sun was so different today and it said it was due to hurricane Ophelia. Apparently the strong winds had come to us across the Sahara desert and the Azores, on it's way the wind had picked up sand and dust from the Sahara which was in the atmosphere, the light reflecting on these particles gave the sun it's reddy orange appearance.
By the time I walked home the wind had picked up and the haze soon cleared. I was kind of glad because the unusual sun had felt a little eerie!